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Virtual Atoms Lab Handbook

This website serves as the group handbook for the Virtual Atoms Lab at Imperial College London. The purpose of this handbook is to act as a repository for knowledge in the group and to help new group members find their feet as quickly as possible.

Everyone is welcome to contribute to the handbook. Our newest members often have the most valuable insight, and when Imperial policies change there may be critical gaps in the handbook. At the bottom of every page is an "Edit" link which will take you to GitHub where you can make changes. You can find more details on contributing on the Contributing Guidelines page.


This handbook is a work in progress. Please fix any typos or missing links you might find.

About the Group

The Virtual Atoms Lab does research at the interface of chemistry, physics, materials, and computer science. Fundamentally, we use computational tools to discover, design, and optimise functional materials, particularly for energy applications (photovoltaics, thermoelectrics, and electrolytes). We are based at the Molecular Sciences Research Hub in White City in west London.